
Buffalo Fellows Celebrate State’s New School Funding Formula

Publication: KLCC Bridge
Published: April 2007

KLCC fellows from Citizen Action of New York joined allied non-profit organizations throughout their state in early April to celebrate the culmination of a seven-year campaign to replace the former New York State school funding formula with one that will tie school funding to need as the primary consideration. Supporters of the new formula expect it to help the state’s most troubled schools get more of what they need to improve.

In cooperation with its community-based partners, Citizen Action (a KLCC Session One host agency) created the Alliance for Quality Education (AQE), which has been instrumental in waging this battle since 2000.

The winning formula closely follows newly elected New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s Executive Budget proposal. AQE executive director Karen Scharff acknowledges the importance of having a powerful ally in Governor Spitzer with his strong commitment to children. His wife, Silda Wall Spitzer, is the founder and chair of Children for Children, a non-profit that promotes community involvement and social responsibility among youth.

The new funding formula will increase classroom operating aid and will channel funds to high-needs districts for such strategic configurations as smaller classes, full day pre-kindergarten, teacher quality and support for parent participation. A strong emphasis will be placed on a well-functioning system of accountability. More information is available from Bob Cohen (518-465-4600×104) or Shanna Goldman (518-465-4600×103).