
Grantee Highlights Issues to Consider in Emergencies

As a result of the findings in the Redefining Readiness report, four demonstration sites were selected to engage diverse perspectives across a community in emergency preparedness planning process. They were able to contribute their knowledge, and identify a range of problems that make it both difficult or unsafe for people to shelter in place. Working together, communities were then in a place to create potential solutions for these problems.

As a way to think about the potential issues critical to the public’s protection, four shelter-in-place “issue sets” were developed focusing on issues that households, work places, schools and government need to consider in the event of an emergency requiring people to stay inside.  These four issue sets are now available online as PDF files and can be found at www.redefiningreadiness.net.

These publications were prepared by the Redefining Readiness Workgroup, and funded by the Kellogg Foundation. For more information, visit www.cacsh.org