
Nine New Food & Society Policy Fellows Named

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy’s Food & Society Policy Fellows program named nine new Fellows with backgrounds in farming, public health, filmmaking and policy research, to promote strategies for achieving a more sustainable, healthy and equitable food system.
The Food & Society Policy Fellows program was jointly launched in 2001 by the Jefferson Institute and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), with funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Classes have ranged in size from 8 to 12 Fellows, with a total of 63 selected Fellows over the past seven years. The Fellowship buys a portion of the Fellows’ time for two years, allowing them to focus on media outreach and participate in policy and communications training.
The program is designed to facilitate the Fellows’ use of mass media channels to inform and shape the public agenda for food. Together, they will work to affect local, regional and national policy through strategic communication efforts.