
Kellogg Foundation Revises Delivery Model for Southern Africa

In light of the continuing effects the global economic downturn has had on its asset base, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation has undertaken a significant review of its program implementation model and has decided to adopt a more cost-effective delivery model to fulfill its philanthropic mission in southern Africa.

The Foundation determined the costs of maintaining a local office could be better utilized in funding beneficiaries in the region and has decided to close the Pretoria office, effective June 30, 2009.

This action takes place against the backdrop of an ongoing forensic audit of financial irregularities in Pretoria but the decision to close the office at this time is based on immediate budgetary constraints, said Sterling Speirn, the CEO of the Foundation.

 “We are trimming budgets in all regions given the reduction in our overall asset base,” he said. Earlier this year, budgetary constraints required the Foundation to close its office in Jackson, Mississippi, in the United States, and announce plans to close its office in Sao Paolo, Brazil, in August 2009, Speirn said.

“Going forward the Foundation will allocate funds to non-profit organisations with a strong local presence, a proven track record, and philosophies that align with those of the Foundation.” he said.

“When the new partnerships are in place,” Speirn said, “Foundation funds will be deployed in the most efficient manner possible to serve vulnerable children, families, and communities.”

The Foundation also remains committed to its current grantees. “Existing commitments to beneficiaries who are fulfilling their commitments in the region will be honoured,” he said.

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