
Statement regarding Grand Jury Actions/Issuance of Indictments

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) has received copies of the indictments and arrest warrants for Nehemia Muzamhindo, Tichaona Machamire and Sabina Brand in a criminal case filed in United States District Court, Western Division of Michigan, Southern Division. The charges against the defendants stems from fraudulent activity involving bogus invoices paid with WKKF funds in the amount of $800,000. Specifically, they are being indicted on charges of conspiracy, wire fraud and money laundering.

The Foundation will continue to work closely with the U.S. Attorney’s office as it prepares to take the case to trial. It is our hope that through the U.S. judicial system, we will recover the Foundation assets used for the illicit financial benefit of the individuals named in the indictment.