
Farmers Tell Ag Editors What They Like, Want in Farm Publications

Montana rancher Darold Tomsheck, Iowa farmer LaVon Griffieon, and Georgia farmer Cornelius Key were featured on the panel, “What Real Readers Want,” at the Agricultural Publications Summit, July 25, 2002 in Reno, Nevada.

The panelists told the almost 100 writers, editors and publishers attending the discussion what they like about the farm publications they receive as well as the changes they would like to see.

Their suggestions to editors included the desire for more articles on community-based food systems and sustainable farming practices, and for more diligence in covering other sides of issues.

Tomsheck is a member of Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO), an Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) grantee; Griffieon is a Food and Society (FAS) Policy Fellow and president of Foundation grantee, 1000 Friends of Iowa; and, Key is with the Federation of Southern Cooperatives, also a FSRD grantee.