
Student chefs create healthy meals to win national contest

A delegation of student chefs from the Tohono O’odham Community Action Cooking Club won first prize in the Cooking up Change National Healthy Cooking Contest. The prize was awarded at Taking Root, the National Farm to Cafeteria Conference held in Detroit, Mich.

Cooking Up Change is an annual event run by Healthy Schools Campaign and the National Farm to School Network, both grantees of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Food & Community Program. In this national competition, students invent new school meals with the goal of exceeding the USDA’s nutrition standards for the National School Lunch program; using at least one local ingredient; and of course, tasting delicious.

The winning team is part of the Tohono O’odham Community Action, a W.K. Kellogg Foundation Food & Community Program grantee. Food & Community is a national effort working to advance equitable access to good food and opportunities for physical activity for all children.