
Food and Society Policy Fellowship Now Accepting Applications

The Food and Society Policy Fellows program recently announced its request for applicants for the 2003-2005 class of fellows. The application deadline is Feb. 24, 2003.

With primary financial support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Food and Society Policy Fellows program was launched in September 2001. The program’s mission is to educate consumers, opinion leaders and policymakers about the opportunities that community-based food systems enterprises offer to consumers, farmers, rural and urban communities, and the environment.

To date, the program has awarded 24 fellowships to professionals with backgrounds ranging from health, consumer education, aquaculture, local food policy, nutrition, sustainable agriculture and organic farming. Through the program, fellows use the media and public education outreach to promote food systems change through the creation and expansion of community-based food systems enterprises.

The Thomas Jefferson Agricultural Institute in partnership with the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy administer the fellowship program.

For more information on the program visit the Web site: www.foodandsocietyfellows.orgwww.foodandsocietyfellows.org.