
Statement: W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s commitment to Detroit

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) is focused on creating conditions that propel vulnerable children to achieve success in school, work and life.

Michigan, our home state, has been mission-central since day one in 1930 when cereal pioneer Will Keith Kellogg founded this independent and private foundation to improve the health, well-being and happiness of children.

Just three years later in 1933, the Kellogg Foundation began investing in Detroit. Since then, the foundation has invested nearly $260 million in total to support children, families and communities in Detroit, and WKKF currently invests roughly $25 million annually.

The Kellogg Foundation places the optimal development of children at the center of all its work through three primary goal areas: education and learning; food, health and well being; and the financial security of families. All of this is done with an investment focus that includes both racial equity and healing as well as civic and community engagement. 

Detroit is more than just a priority place for the Kellogg Foundation. It is Michigan’s largest city and urban core that in many ways embodies all of the triumphs and struggles that has shaped the foundation’s great home state since its founding more than 175 years ago. 

The Kellogg Foundation works with diverse leaders, grassroots organizations, institutions and other community partners to ensure that Detroit children are well-educated, healthy and living in economically secure families. 

WKKF Leadership are available for interview.
For media inquires, please contact Dana Linnane at: (269) 213-9961