WKKF Headline

A call for healing as divisive rhetoric and extreme acts of violence affect us all

Last week’s tragedy left our nation, once again, in a place of grief, loss and pain. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation extends its condolences to the San Bernardino community and the families affected by these extreme acts of violence.

As we move forward together, we must not allow terror or fear to motivate our response. We cannot tolerate divisive words and destructive narratives used in public and private discourse about our neighbors – whether they be Middle Eastern, Asian, Black, Latino, Native American, immigrants or refugees. Differences in appearance and religious beliefs do not justify past or future violence and mistreatment.

The Kellogg Foundation remains committed to creating opportunities in communities for healing the embedded biases and divisions that prevent all of us from making progress. A first step is eliminating the narratives that fuel racism and acts of hatred and focusing on creating a culture that honors the inherent dignity of all people. This remains our focus and our charge – the future of our nation and the well-being of our children, families and communities depends on it.