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A PhD and a latte to-go, please

Everyone loves a good comeback story, right? In a recent publication, Detroit is highlighted as a city showing the nation how it’s done, noting: “Detroit’s primary goal over the past few years has been to transform the once-bankrupt city into a place where people want to live, work and play. So far, the city is on track to achieve this goal.” How are they doing it? Glad you asked! Job training, an emphasis on small businesses, desirable neighborhoods, and economic opportunity are just a few factors in play as WKKF and JP Morgan Chase team up to help bring hope back to the city.

On May 29, if you’re looking for a grande latte, you’ll need to look farther than your local Starbucks. All U.S. stores will be closing for racial-bias education geared toward preventing discrimination in their stores. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation applauds the steps taken by CEO Kevin Johnson and encourages businesses to take note and follow suit. Advancing racial equity exerts a powerful positive influence on the lives and futures of children. However, it’s not just a matter of social justice. Advancing racial equity is a strategy for fostering economic growth, for providing businesses a competitive advantage and for securing opportunity for all. We’d love to offer supports, resources and assistance to those intent on tackling the issue of implicit bias.

If getting a college degree seems tough, getting an advanced degree can seem near impossible. But last week, the Arizona State University School of Transformation celebrated as six individuals received their doctorate as part of the ASU Pueblo Indian doctoral program. The program was launched in 2012 as a partnership with New Mexico Pueblos to find solutions to complex issues in Native health, education, families and their communities. This team of six showed their grit and the WKKF team is celebrating their accomplishments. We’re hopeful and excited about what’s to come from their research and commitment to this field. Graduation caps off to you all!

Can we brag on our hometown for a second? Ok! Battle Creek, Michigan was selected as a 2018 All- America City Finalist by the National Civic League. This award celebrates innovation and engagement while addressing critical issues and creating stronger connections among residents, businesses and leaders. Thanks to collaboration across all sectors in the city, we agree that Battle Creek, Michigan is all All-America city! Two of the guiding projects to secure this title include the Battle Creek Coalition of Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation and BCVision which is a movement for change to inspire and improve where we live, work and play. Three cheers for Battle Creek!

For those who’ve been traveling to “Find Your Park” as part of the National Park Service campaign, a new location may soon be added to your park passport. One site up for consideration is the home of Civil Rights activist Medgar Evers. At the opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum in December 2017, Myrlie Evers-Williams talked about what inspires her to continue her activism and service. As Mississippi makes strides in racial healing, we honor the courage and wisdom of Myrlie Evers-Williams and many others who recognize the importance of acknowledging a painful past, in order to heal and build more equitable communities.