Equitable Communities

Vogue magazine and 16.5 million kids

At A Glance is a bi-weekly news recap highlighting WKKF grantees, investments, communities and partnerships.

Like many U.S. cities, the majority of Detroit’s residents— 86%— are people of color. Unlike many cities, more than 50,000 own small businesses, making Detroit the fourth largest city in America for entrepreneurship by individuals of color. Though they are major drivers of economic growth in the area, Detroit entrepreneurs of color struggle to secure the financing necessary to start work for other businesses. Last week, WKKF CEO and President sat down with Mary Kramer of Crain Communications, Inc. and three successful entrepreneurs to discuss opportunities as well as the inequities that come along with being a business owner of color in Detroit.

Breastfeeding goes Vogue! Yes, you read that right.Vogue magazine jumped in to highlight design creativity in breastfeeding apparel from the #MakeTheBreastPumpNotSuck Hackathon, Some of the style innovators in the spotlight are indigenous women from New Mexico adapting ceremonial dress for nursing. If you’d like to learn more, be on the lookout for an upcoming video on award-winning WKKF grantee Indigenous Woman Rising (IWR). 

Today’s challenges require leadership that can bridge the divides in our society. Now more than ever, we must all act in big and small ways to address structural inequities and help people heal from the effects of racism. What’s needed are compassionate and capable leaders in and from our communities. Led by the Center for Creative Leadership, we’re calling on leaders to apply for  the upcoming  18-month program offering hands on training, coaching, mentoring and experience! Apply today. Applications due by September 30.

JPMorgan Chase is expanding their model of inclusive growth in emerging cities by launching AdvancingCities. This $500 million, five-year initiative will invest in opportunity cities to reduce barriers to opportunity, promote financial security, workforce development and shared prosperity of everyone in a growing economy. Springboarding from its partnership with WKKF and the City of Detroit to establish the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund, JPMorgan Chase is learning from its success in Detroit and widening its scope of investments to revitalizing cities across the globe. If it’s working… keep on keeping on!

Each year, more than 16.5 million kids go without dental care. That’s a staggering number, wouldn’t you agree? Oral health is critical to overall health, yet many children cannot access dental care where and when they need it. This month, WKKF launched a new resource hub for policy makers, decision makers and civic leaders who want to tackle this challenge. Thanks to the Journal of Professional Excellence, Dimensions of Dental Hygiene, for highlighting this new resource. Spread the word!