
Center for Rural Affairs Discusses Nebraska’s 20-Year Ban on Corporate Agriculture

As corporations consolidate, and the big become the biggest, few have been willing to stand in the path of the economic juggernaut. But then along came some cornhuskers from Nebraska!

This Saturday, January 25, at 9AM Pacific, the Food Chain with Michael Olson hosts Chuck Hassebrook, Executive Director of the Center for Rural Affairs, and Dave Burkholder, Past President of the Nebraska Cattlemen Association, for a conversation about Nebraska’s 20-year ban on corporate agriculture.

Topics will include why some Nebraskans voted to ban corporate agriculture and why others opposed this vote; what impact this ban has had on Nebraska’s rural economy; and  whether the desire to ban corporate agriculture is likely to spread elsewhere.Listeners are invited to call the live program on KFRM, KGOE, KMPH, KOMY, or KSCO with questions and comments at 800-624-2665.

(Listen here: http://www.metrofarm.com/index.asp?cat=40088)