
Community-Based Food Systems Featured on National TV Program

The benefits of community-based food systems to consumers and communities was featured in a story on the Dec. 13, 2002, Ag Day TV broadcast carried on more than 175 television stations across the nation. The story featured W.K. Kellogg Foundation Food and Society (FAS) program director Oran Hesterman and Larry Cleverley, a Mingo, Iowa, organic vegetable farmer. Cleverley’s wholesale customers include 25 area white tablecloth restaurants and two natural food stores. The retail side of his business is conducted at the downtown Des Moines farmers’ market held 26 Saturdays a year. This market is one of the top farmers’ markets in the country with an average daily attendance of 9,000 people. Cleverley is a member of Practical Farmers of Iowa, an Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) grantee of the Foundation.

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