
Food Alliance Announces New Partner and Services

Well-known for its signature certification program for environmentally friendly and socially responsible agricultural practices, Food Alliance (www.foodalliance.org) now offers customized audits and sustainability consulting services to leading food processors, manufacturers and food service companies. And, as part of a formal partnership announced today, Food Alliance will team with the IPM Institute to provide these new services.

Deborah Kane, Food Alliance’s executive director, said, “We’re currently working with a growing number of food companies, helping them craft customized certification programs or generally implement sustainability principles in their product sourcing. To augment the services we already provide, Food Alliance has teamed with the IPM Institute. Together, Food Alliance and the IPM Institute have much to offer a food industry struggling to make sense of sustainable agriculture and their role in supporting it.”

The IPM Institute of North America, Inc. (www.ipminstitute.org) is a nonprofit organization working to increase adoption of IPM in agriculture and communities. The Institute develops unique tools to help users assess and improve their IPM programs. The Institute also manages certification programs in the community arena, including schools and landscape maintenance services.