
Food and Society Conference Now Online

In April, FAS convened a conference in Denver titled “Building Capacity For Community-Based Food Systems” that brought together community activists, business leaders, farmers ranchers, scholars and thought leaders to explore and discuss the community-based food system concept and its opportunity to improve rural communities, the environment and public health. Conference materials including video, PowerPoint presentations and written materials are available at www.foodandsociety.org.

A copy of the conference program is available here.

To review the topics and presenters who participated in the conference, please click here.

Complete information about last year’s meeting “Local Enterprises – Global Visions” is available here.  The Food & Society (FAS) initiative is a Food Systems and Rural Development (FSRD) initiative to support the creation and expansion of community based food systems enterprises (CBEs) that are locally owned and controlled, environmentally sound and health promoting. For a better understanding of the types of programs FAS supports, read our grant guidelines.

The Kellogg Foundation recently commissioned an independent evaluation of the conference. The results of this evaluation are available in html and pdf formats.