WKKF Headline

Working families, part of our enduring commitment to improving the lives of children

From our review of ongoing media coverage, we are aware of the current state of negotiations between the Kellogg Company and the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union. It is important to clarify that the Kellogg Company and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation operate independently of one another and are legally separate entities. The foundation is governed by its own independent board of trustees and has no role whatsoever with respect to the management of the Company.

We have a shared history. Mr. Kellogg’s creation of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation is connected to the Kellogg Company. Representatives of the foundation serve on the company’s board, as well as the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Trust. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation Trust is a charitable trust created by Mr. Kellogg for the sole benefit of the foundation, and it is a large shareholder of the Kellogg Company. As with any organization with whom we work or any grantee we support, we bring with us the enduring legacy of Mr. Kellogg and the voices and values of the communities we are honored to represent.

The work of the foundation has always been focused on children, recognizing they are more likely to thrive when their families are economically secure. Their parents and caregivers must have access to quality jobs that pay a family-sustaining wage and give them the flexibility to be full and active participants in their child’s life. For more than 90 years, in order to change children’s lives for the better, we have supported community members as they come together, recognize their power to lead and affirm the value of each person’s contribution in shaping society. We hope that all parties continue to work together to reach an equitable resolution that is fair to all involved.