
Food and Society Policy Fellows Participate in Community Food Security Conference

Food and Society Policy Fellows Amy Trubek, Anne Cooper, Mary Hendrickson, Michelle Mascarenhas, Denise O’Brien, Mark Winne, Molly Anderson and program coordinator Kristen Corselius participated in the 7th Annual Community Food Security Coalition (CFSC) conference, Nov. 1-5, 2003, in Boston, Mass. The theme of the conference was: Growing the Movement: New Opportunities and Challenges for Community Food Security. One of the sponsoring organizations was The Food Project, a W.K. Kellogg Foundation grantee.

Michelle Mascarenhas of Rooted in Community, and Molly Anderson, Oxfam America, facilitated a session titled, “Power in the Food System: Who Has It, Who Doesn’t, and What are the Implications for Community Food Security?” Mark Winne, Hartford Food System, took part in a session on the growth of farm-to-school and farm-to-institution programs. Kristen Corselius, with the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, participated on a panel titled, “From Global to Local: Developing Strategies for Systems-Wide Change.”

The CFSC conference was an excellent opportunity for food activists and analysts to share experiences and learn from each other about building food systems that work for our communities. Other workshops included, “Connecting Across Borders to Fight Against Globalization,” and “Field to Table Festival and Campaign.” Additional information on CFSC and the conference can be found by visiting: http://www.foodsecurity.org.