
Allen v. Milligan: Statement on Voting Rights

“Today’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on fair representation upholds Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act and reaffirms the importance of fair community representation in the pursuit of a more just democracy. The decision signifies that Black, Indigenous and other communities of color must have a say in key decisions that impact their lives.

“Fair maps in redistricting ensure that all voters’ voices are heard on decisions such as expanding access to affordable quality health care, creating safe sustainable jobs, and funding our schools, hospitals, and other essential services.

“By affirming the rights of communities of color, today’s decision marks an important step in the right direction as communities fight for fair maps and equitable representation for all voters at all levels of government. It also invigorates the urgency of our work to support policies, practices, and remedies that recognize the historic and systemic harms of white supremacy, and to advance racial equity and racial healing in partnership with communities and organizations across the country.

“As we celebrate the victory for freedom and democracy that Black Alabama voters and organizers, as well as advocates, lawyers, and community members made possible today, we remain committed to doing all we can to make our country a place where every vote, every voice and every child are equally valued. Today’s Supreme Court decision is an affirmation that the power of people continues to bend the long arc of the moral universe toward justice. We will continue to make the strategic investments necessary to realize the racially equitable world that our children deserve.”

Learn more about Allen v. Milligan and other cases before the Supreme Court that impact racial equity.