
Mid South IDA Training Institute Offered

The Mid South IDA Initiative is pleased to announce that its 3rd Annual Mid South IDA Training Institute will be offered May 25 – 26. Unlike the past two years, the 2004 Institute will focus on specific needs of IDA programs.

Concurrent workshops addressing topics such as credit repair and counseling, post purchase curriculum, marketing and public relations, fundraising, and public policy will allow participants to customize training schedules according to their IDA program’s needs. A state caucus breakfast will be held on Wednesday morning to allow for programs and collaborations from the region to meet and exchange ideas. Linda Tucker of Family Service Agency and Consumer Credit Counseling will end the two-day training with a financial education workshop. This workshop will focus on understanding the content of financial education courses as well as how to facilitate adult education in financial literacy.

Please make plans to attend the Mid South IDA Training Institute to be held in Jackson, Mississippi, on May 25-26, 2004.

For more information contact Kathleen Shields at 601.863.0485 or Denise Barrett at 601.863.0495.