
Pew Initiative Posts Food Testing Proceedings

In February 2003, the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology and the Center for Food and Nutrition Policy at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University hosted an invitational roundtable discussion entitled “Testing Methodologies in Tracing, Segregating, and Labeling Foods Derived from Modern Biotechnology.”

Over the course of the full day event, scientists, academicians and members of industry and government gathered to examine the role testing methodologies play in the application of biotechnology to agriculture.

The Pew Initiative is pleased to announce that proceedings from that roundtable are now available at: http://pewagbiotech.org/events/0225/

Issues discussed in the proceedings include:

An overview of the conference agenda, including bios on the speakers, and the full proceedings can be viewed at http://www.ceresnet.org/ViewEntry.cfm?ID=339&Section=outreach

For more information contact:

Kim Brooks (202) 347-9044 ext. 230, kbrooks@pewagbiotech.org; or Dan DiFonzo (202) 347-9044 ext. 231, dandifonzo@pewagbiotech.org