
Itinerant Seminar on Social Responsibility and Corporate Citizenship

The Third Itinerant Seminar on Social Responsibility and Corporate Citizenship, organized by Brazilian NGO Ação Empresarial with the support of the Kellogg Foundation and Save the Children UK, was held on May 23-29.

Some 15 businessmen from Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Brazil participated in the seminars, and they also had the opportunity to see for themselves some of the successful programs in the field of corporate social responsibility.

The first stage of the event occurred in São Paulo and included visits to JPMorgan’s Adolescent Professionalization Center and to the Corporate Citizenship Institute. The second took place in the Pernambuco state capital of Recife, where businessmen got to know the Professional Training School, the Alternative Technology Service (Serta), the Organic Integral Farm program and the digital inclusion project Program for the Future.

Finally, to capitalize on the experience of each participant, the wealth of social programs in Brazil and the lessons learned during the seminar, a workshop was held to share experiences and to establish projects to improve quality of life for youth living in poverty or in social exclusion in each of the countries.

These Itinerant Seminars on Social Responsibility are held every six months to address the same key topic: “Youth and Poverty in Latin America: Challenges and Opportunities for the Business Sector”. Their objective is to illustrate how corporate social responsibility is developing in Brazil, to bring the region’s businessmen together, enabling them to form Latin American networks, and to encourage them to share their experiences.
