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The child care industry in North Carolina employs more than 46,000 people and generates more than $1.5 billion in gross revenues, according to a study performed by the National Economic Development and Law Center (NEDLC), supported by a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
In addition to being a significant job-creating, income-generating industry in its own right, the study listed five key ways in which the child care industry is linked to North Carolina businesses and the economy as a whole in the state. Child care:• Enables parents to participate in the labor force• Drives labor force productivity by decreasing absenteeism, reducing turnover, and enhancing recruitment at existing businesses• Attracts businesses to North Carolina by increasing education and quality of life indicators• Cultivates North Carolina’s future workforce by improving the cognitive skills and emotional well-being of children and ensuring that they enter the traditional K-12 school system ready to continue learning.• Offers a financial return by reducing future public spending in such areas as criminal justice, remedial education, unemployment, and welfare
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