
In Mexico, we focus on 25 municipalities in the Chiapas Highlands and inner Yucatán Peninsula (within the states of Yucatán, Campeche and Quintana Roo). In 2010, we identified these communities as priority places based on need, as well as opportunity for partnership and effective collaboration. We are committed to investing in these places for a generation, supporting community visioning processes to help identify community priorities and amplifying Indigenous voices.

Education & Language Revitalization

In Mexico, we support efforts to strengthen and expand culturally and linguistically relevant education, as well as language revitalization initiatives that extend beyond the classroom.


Health in the Chiapas Highlands and Yucatán Peninsula means ensuring babies come into the world safely, families can access water and good food, and Indigenous communities can apply traditional knowledge to cultivate well-being.

Family Economic Security

Our work to strengthen the economic security of families involves supporting various organizations and institutions across sectors.

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