
Next Phases Set for Experiences in Social Innovation Award

The 2004-2005 cycle of the Experiences in Social Innovation Award, launched by ECLAC and the Kellogg Foundation last September, now has a fixed timeline for the upcoming phases. The 1,600 competing projects are now being evaluated by the ECLAC selection committee and a panel of outside evaluators. Following this, there will be two additional selection phases before the final, slated for November 10 and 11. During these two days, and parallel to the award ceremony, an Innovation Fair will be held at which the most significant features of the finalist projects will be presented.

The timeline for the next phases of the award is as follows:

February 25 – Results of the first phase. The top 100 projects selected for the next phase will be announced and additional information on each one will be requested.

June 24 – Results of the second phase. The top 50 projects will be selected to receive visits from Experiences in Social Innovation Award evaluators.

July 11 to August 15 – Third phase of the award, during which the evaluators will visit the 50 selected projects.

September 26 – Results of the third phase. The 20 finalist projects will be announced.

November 10 and 11– Award ceremony. One representative from each of the 20 selected projects will be invited to the final, when the award winners will be announced. One of the activities organized during the award ceremony will be an Innovation Fair.
