
Food and Society Grantee Hosts August Workshops

Land and Watershed Assessment and Restoration
With Bob Cannard, Brock Dolman, Dennis Martinez, Penny Livingston-Stark, and Kathy Wallace
August 1-3, 2003
Tunitas Creek Ranch, Half Moon Bay, CA

Learn how to assess the land by reading the landscape for clues of its natural history and ecological potential.  Develop an understanding of ecological literacy and learn how to design practical remedies that encourage biodiversity. These presenters have a wealth of experience in land restoration, invasive species mitigation, permaculture and Native American forestry management systems. The landscape of the beautiful Tunitas Creek Ranch is made up of riparian corridors, steep slopes, pastures, high ridges, small orchards, and an abundance of native vegetation.

Presenter biographies and program details are available on the Bioneers Web site at:   http://bioneers.org/rdi/03ewf.html 

Making the Connection Between Locally Grown Food and Community
With Michael Ableman, Rick Knoll, Will Bullock, Laura Tourte and others
August 21-24, 2003
Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens, Goleta, CA

There is a common misconception that food for our society must be grown far from the places where most of us live and work. This is no longer the case. In the most unlikely of places, under some of the most challenging environments, urban dwellers are establishing economically viable urban farms.

This intensive three-and-a-half-day workshop, presented by Bioneers and the Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens, will focus on practical strategies for land acquisition, space intensive production, soil fertility, propagation of specialty crops, successful local marketing and developing local food systems. Participants will come away with clear direction and a “tool kit” for how to begin or enhance existing operations.

Saturday evening there will be an optional on-farm dinner to provide an opportunity to network and exchange ideas.
Presenter biographies and program details are available on the Bioneers Web site at:  http://bioneers.org/rdi/urban02.html

For more information about either workshop or to register, contact Bioneers toll-free (877) 246-6337, Ext. 109, e-mail agworkshops@bioneers.org or visit our Web site www.bioneers.org.