
W.K. Kellogg Foundation Grantee Interviewed by NET-Radio

HOST INTRO:  A Nebraska initiative that helps rural communities become self-sustaining and self-sufficient has been awarded a 2 million dollar grant by the Kellogg Foundation. Martin Wells has the details.

Home Town Competitiveness, or HTC, is a program currently working in seven Nebraska counties and communities. HTC’s goals for rural communities include reversing rural decline, building leadership, engaging young people, supporting entrepreneurship, and fostering local philanthropy.

Jeff Yost is President and CEO of the Nebraska Community Foundation, one of the partners in the Home Town Competitiveness project. Yost says the money from the Kellogg Foundation will help communities go above and beyond what they are able to do with limited state and federal funds.

YOST: What communities need is that margin of excellence. Where do they get that little bit of extra money to do that little extra thing to make themselves more attractive to native sons and daughters, and others, who may choose to live in and work in their community.

180 applications were received for grants to create national models in rural entrepreneuership. The Home Town Competitive initiative was one six recipients of grants provided through the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s 75th Anniversary Entrepreneurship Development Systems for Rural America. The 2 million dollar grant will be spread out over three years.

For NET Radio News, I’m Martin Wells.