
Kellogg Foundation announces $3 million grant for youth development programs

The Kellogg Foundation announced in spring 2004 funding in the amount of $3 million over ten years for youth development programs in Calhoun County that are focused on helping area children grow into healthy and productive adults. Funding will focus on “gap-period” programs, which are designed to achieve positive outcomes for young people before and after school, and during weekends, holidays, and summers—the times when kids most need positive activities and adult mentoring.


Positive adult relationships, opportunities, and activities fostered through gap-period activities help youth 1) feel connected to others in a healthy way (e.g., connecting with community members vs. gang members), 2) navigate day-to-day life (e.g., making decisions for themselves, taking on responsibilities, becoming leaders), and 3) engage in productive rather than high-risk activities (e.g., doing well in school vs. engaging in substance abuse).


Youth involved in high-quality gap activities report the following differences as compared with peers engaged in high-risk alternatives:

·    Less use of alcohol and drugs

·    Less sexual activity

·    Less involvement in violent activities

·    Greater success rate in school

·    Better maintenance of physical health

·    Higher value placed on diversity