
New Director Named to Scholars Program

Stacy Hanna
The Battle Creek Enquirer

(Originally published by the Battle Creek Enquirer on November 17, and used with permission. The opinions expressed by the Battle Creek Enquirer do not necessarily represent those of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.)

Paula Langston-Ware recently was named the new director of the Legacy Scholars program, and was introduced to the community at Tuesday night’s student recognition event.

“It’s just a phenomenal experience being here tonight to honor the students and to see all their families with them,” she said. “They have a wealth of support.”
Langston-Ware previously served as a program director for Minority Program Services, a substance abuse prevention program with offices in Battle Creek and Albion.

In addition, she has coordinated mentoring programs at Albion College that helped first-generation college students acclimate to college life.

Langston-Ware has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and plans to attend Western Michigan University next spring to pursue a master’s degree in counselor education/counseling psychology.

“We are delighted to have Paula with us as we strive to make futures brighter for the young people of this community,” said Pat Brasseur, chairwoman of the Legacy Scholars board of directors. “Paula’s professional background and personal experiences will be invaluable to the success of this program.”

Langston-Ware said she looks forward to helping the Legacy Scholars set a path and stay focused on their goals.

“I would like to see the program serve as a unified, major community support system for the young participants and their families,” she said. “The program should provide meaningful experiences and opportunities that will help students successfully transition academically and socially from one grade level to the next and on through high school graduation and beyond.”