
Civic Ventures Announces National Initiative To Invest In Social Entrepreneurs Who Lead With Experience

Civic Ventures announced recently that nominations are open for the Purpose Prize, five $100,000 investments in Americans over the age of 60 who are combining their passion, creativity, experience and entrepreneurial skills to tackle issues of social significance.

The nonprofit think tank and program incubator, which works to help America achieve the greatest return on experience, said sixty semi-finalists (“60 at 60+”) will also be honored for their social innovations. The Prize is part of a new national initiative to inspire and encourage millions of Americans to use their experience for the greater good as they reach the cusp of what once was called “retirement.”

The $9 million effort is funded by The Atlantic Philanthropies and The John Templeton Foundation and includes a national summit to convene experienced and aspiring social innovators from across the country. A $1.5 million Fund for Innovation will provide grants to help prize winners and finalists expand their community work and take breakthrough ideas to scale. Winners and semi-finalists will be announced at the organization’s summit in June 2006. Civic Ventures is accepting nominations, including self nominations, for the prize at:

www.LeadWithExperience.org. Civic Ventures is a think tank and incubator, generating ideas and inventing programs to help society achieve the greatest return on experience. For more information, go to www.civicventures.org.