
USDA Outlook Forum Focuses on Rural America. Presentations available online.

“A successful rural America is key to the success of this nation.” That is how US Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns described the importance of rural America to this nation as he opened USDA’s 2006 Outlook Forum, held February 17-17, 2006, in Arlington, Virginia.

The Forum included speeches and sessions on such topics as: Rural America’s New Economic Frontier Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Collaboration; Providing Leadership for Rural America; Building on Rural America’s Competitiveness in a Global Marketplace; Regional Innovation in Rural Economic Development; Stakeholder Collaboration in Support of Agriculture and Rural Communities; Can Rural America Meet the Demand for Skilled Workers?; and E-commerce & E-rural Economic Development.

Many of the speeches are available online as documents, video Webcasts, and in PowerPoint format on the USDA Web site. You can view and download them at http://www.usda.gov/oce/forum/2006_speeches.htm#webcast.