
Network Trains Young Town Councilors

Contribute to policy-making in the poorest region of Brazil, fostering responsible and solidary public action to promote local development. With this philosophy in mind, the Northeastern Network of Young Town Councilors, partially supported by the Kellogg Foundation, intends to put a stop to the assistentialism that is common in the region.

One of the most successful actions of this nonpartisan organization has been to show local town councilors the importance of getting actively involved in the formulation of public policy, explained Francisco Deuzinho de Oliveira Filho, one of the Network’s coordinators. “Previously, many of the councilors believed that this was the job exclusively of mayors. But nowadays they are prepared to debate any kind of problem.”

To learn more, go to the website www.rnjv.org.br.


Published in Interaction nº 15