
Virtual Forum Debates Innovative Programs

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) hosted a virtual forum with the Ceiba Group Association, from Guatemala – one of the winners of the Experiences in Social Innovation Award, 2004/2005 version. The award is supported by the Kellogg Foundation.

For 10 hours, coordinators of Ceiba held discussions with participants of the program “Preventing Drugs and Street Gangs in Marginal Urban and Rural Areas”, which focuses on the integral development of children and youth at social risk. The forum’s discussions can be read, in Spanish, at the address www.risalc.org, at the link Foros y chats realizados (Innovación en programas de Juventud en riesgo).

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Experiences in Social Innovation Award
Experiences in Social Innovation Award Winners Announced
Interaction – October/November 2005



Published in Interaction nº 16