
Food Systems Leadership Institute Accepting Applications

Publication: W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Published: 08/07/2006

The Food Systems Leadership Institute (FSLI) is accepting applications until September 10, 2006, for its second class, says Ken Swartzel, program director. A class is started each fall for the two-year program. FSLI offers leadership development to upper-level leaders in higher education, government, and industry to prepare them to meet the leadership challenges and opportunities of the future. The FSLI is a partnership between the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC) and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, hosted by North Carolina State University. For application information visit www.fsli.org. Note that the program’s office recently moved. The contact phone is now (919) 513-2063, and the fax is (919) 515-7124.

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