Health Equity

Us National Health Equity

Our Funding Focus

Maternal and child health

The well-being of women and children is crucial for a healthy society. Yet the U.S. experiences maternal and infant death rates far higher than similarly large and wealthy countries. Women suffer preventable deaths at twice the rate of most high-income countries and infant mortality is on the rise. With data showing stark racial disparities, Black and Native American women and infants fare the worst.

These realities stem from broader social and economic issues rooted in structural inequities that greatly harm birthing people and babies of color. It’s not just low-income families that are affected. Racial disparities persist even when controlling for factors like education and income.

Addressing systemic racism within the health care system is crucial for improving maternal and infant health equity. We support work focused on:

  • Increasing access to services and providers that support maternal and infant health and increasing access to a culturally affirming birth and maternal mental health workforce.
  • Transforming systems that impact social determinants of maternal health outcomes, like housing, transportation, nutrition and access to paid family and medical leave.
  • Addressing the roles of racism and discrimination within the health care system as part of efforts to eliminate maternal and infant health disparities.

Our grantees making a difference