We Commit to Racial Equity

Careers We Commit to Racial Equity

Transformation Starts Within

WKKF staff have opportunities to:

  • Develop self-awareness around issues of race, racism and bias.
  • Engage in racial healing experiences.
  • Learn from experts in the field.
  • Participate in cultural affinity groups and other learning groups.
  • Use a racial equity lens to create grantmaking strategies and make operational
  • Influence equity practices in many sectors, from philanthropy to nonprofits, health care,
    education, food systems and more.

Workforce Composition

Staff Testimonials

Racial equity is not a passive effort at the Kellogg Foundation. We strive to embed it in
everything we do. It stems from a deep commitment to fundamentally change the belief
systems and structural barriers created by a false hierarchy of human value. It’s the main
reason I joined the foundation.

I am grateful to work for and collaborate with an organization that aligns its actions with its principles. As a co-leader of the Black Affinity group, Mizizi, I have the privilege of sharing my personal philanthropic journey. Engaging with WKKF communities where we live and work, I contribute my cultural insights while also learning from and embracing others.”