03.28.23 Education Every Child Thrives Wilhelmina Yazzie’s name is one you should know Visit Wilhelmina Yazzie’s name is one you should know in a new window
03.22.23 Racial Equity News Blueprints for equity and celebrating change Visit Blueprints for equity and celebrating change
03.20.23 Community Engagement Every Child Thrives Centering children and culture through visual storytelling: Q&A with THEARTISTJADE Visit Centering children and culture through visual storytelling: Q&A with THEARTISTJADE in a new window
03.15.23 Early Childhood Education Every Child Thrives We Walk Together for Early Childhood Care & Education Visit We Walk Together for Early Childhood Care & Education in a new window
03.14.23 Black History Every Child Thrives Fannie Lou Hamer’s America wins Best TV Documentary from IDA Visit Fannie Lou Hamer’s America wins Best TV Documentary from IDA in a new window
03.10.23 Battle Creek Every Child Thrives Neighborhood Employment Hubs provide lessons for workforce development in Battle Creek Visit Neighborhood Employment Hubs provide lessons for workforce development in Battle Creek in a new window
03.08.23 Equitable Communities News Community focused, community led Visit Community focused, community led
03.07.23 Battle Creek Every Child Thrives Investing in public schools is investing in the local economy Visit Investing in public schools is investing in the local economy in a new window
03.07.23 Leadership News Community Leadership Network with the Center for Creative Leadership launches Class Three Visit Community Leadership Network with the Center for Creative Leadership launches Class Three
03.03.23 WKKF Headlines News 2022 Annual Snapshot showcases the impact of building more equitable systems Visit 2022 Annual Snapshot showcases the impact of building more equitable systems
03.02.23 Community Engagement Every Child Thrives The healing power of a legacy: colleges honor the National Day of Racial Healing Visit The healing power of a legacy: colleges honor the National Day of Racial Healing in a new window
03.01.23 2022 WKKF Annual Snapshot Every Child Thrives Racial healing is possible – and transformative Visit Racial healing is possible – and transformative in a new window
02.28.23 Black Futures Month Every Child Thrives Philanthropy for Black futures: Q&A with Yazeed Moore Visit Philanthropy for Black futures: Q&A with Yazeed Moore in a new window
02.28.23 Black Futures Month Every Child Thrives A healthier future for Black Mississippians: Q&A with Wesley Prater Visit A healthier future for Black Mississippians: Q&A with Wesley Prater in a new window
02.27.23 Black Futures Month Every Child Thrives The Pop Culture Collaborative: Black futures and an abundance mindset Visit The Pop Culture Collaborative: Black futures and an abundance mindset in a new window
02.23.23 Equitable Communities News Tax refunds supports and bolstering financial security Visit Tax refunds supports and bolstering financial security