Maternal and Child Health

Haiti Maternal and Child Health

Our Funding Focus

St. Boniface Hospital (run by Health Equity International) and the University Hospital of Mirebalais (run by Partners in Health/Zanmi Lasante) are health care beacons, drawing patients from across their respective regions to receive quality care. They also work to strengthen care beyond the hospital walls through primary care strategies such as community mobile clinics, referral facilitation and local workforce development, including community health workers, midwives and nurses.

Grantee spotlight: J9

J9 is a health initiative led by Partners in Health – or Zanmi Lasante, as it is known in Haiti – to give women and their newborns constant holistic care and support throughout pregnancy and the first nine months of a baby’s life. This includes a peer-support network, psychological services, nutrition education, home visits, regular health checkups and more. Since 2018, the integrated model has supported more than 2,000 women. Since 2019, nearly every woman in the program has had a facility-based delivery.