
Haiti Haiti

Our Commitment Today

Following community vision

Our commitment to central and southwest Haiti began with investing in community visioning processes. We brought together local stakeholders with firsthand knowledge to identify opportunities that would bring change and improve the lives of their children, families and communities.

Our grantees are developing leaders of a new Haiti, building local alliances and working with community members for long-term changes to improve access to:

  • Quality early childhood education.
  • Clean water and quality locally sourced food.
  • Quality health care for mothers and children.
  • Greater and continuous revenue generation opportunities, especially in agriculture and arts and crafts.

Together, we are:

  • Expanding and deepening the impact of our workstreams through the Haiti Peer-Learning Network.
  • Elevating the quality and safety of schools through the ever-growing Model School Network.
  • Increasing sustainable family economic security and food sovereignty by strengthening local production, entrepreneurship and food systems through the Haiti Food Systems Alliance.
  • Improving the well-being of mothers and children by training the next generation of Haitian health professionals.
  • Helping build a better future for Haiti by supporting tomorrow’s leaders across education, economic development and health, and strengthening pipeline development through the Haitian Education & Leadership Program
  • Changing the narratives about Haiti through Pockets of Hope.