06.02.21 WKKF Headline News Alejandra Garduño Martínez named director of Latin America and Caribbean programs Visit Alejandra Garduño Martínez named director of Latin America and Caribbean programs
11.08.13 International News W.K. Kellogg Foundation names three new program officers to its international programming team serving Latin America and the Caribbean Visit W.K. Kellogg Foundation names three new program officers to its international programming team serving Latin America and the Caribbean
04.10.13 Latin America and Caribbean News W.K. Kellogg Foundation names Rui Mesquita Cordeiro as director of Latin America and Caribbean programs Visit W.K. Kellogg Foundation names Rui Mesquita Cordeiro as director of Latin America and Caribbean programs
09.28.11 Mexico News Social innovation sites in Mexico featured in ECLAC tour Visit Social innovation sites in Mexico featured in ECLAC tour
01.10.08 News Kellogg Foundation Trustees Attend Event Visit Kellogg Foundation Trustees Attend Event