
Corporation for National & Community Service Announces New Grant Competition

The Corporation for National & Community Service is the federal agency that manages service programs like AmeriCorps, Senior Corps and Learn & Serve America, and is undertaking a new grants competition called Next Generation Grants. This competition is designed to foster the next generation of national service grantees by funding innovative programs that have not previously received Corporation funding.

The corporation is particularly interested in funding programs that address issues of rural youth volunteerism. Since this funding is aimed to support innovative programs, there are few restrictions on the possible uses of Next Generation Grant funding. For example, these funds can be used to support three to six months of program planning, or can be used to provide incentives to volunteers, such as stipends, housing, etc. For more details, please see the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).

Please note that if your organization has received any Corporation funding in the past, the organization is not eligible for this grant competition. However, if your organization has simply hosted an AmeriCorps member, VISTA volunteer, Senior Corps volunteer, etc, the organization is still eligible. The Corporation for National & Community Service is currently in the process of educating itself on rural youth volunteerism, so the corporation would also be very interested in hearing any ideas your organization might have on this issue. If anyone in your organization knows of any other programs that might be interested in applying, please contact Matt Dunkel at (202) 606-5000, Ext. 217. Mr. Dunkel also would like to hear about other information sources, listservs, or newsletters.

View the Next Generation Grants NOFA.