
FoodRoutes Network Adds Key Players in the Sustainable Agriculture Movement to More Than Double Its Advisory Board

MILLHEIM, PA–More people than ever before will be asking where their food comes from now that FoodRoutes Network has more than doubled its existing advisory board. FoodRoutes added five key members of the sustainable agriculture movement who have long-standing histories in promoting healthy and socially just agricultural practices. Collectively, their guidance will increase FoodRoutes ability to nurture community-based farm initiatives, as well as effect change in national, state and local farm and food policies.

The new board members include: Carolyn Mugar, executive director of Farm Aid; Hank Herrera, M.D., a community advocate in Rochester, New York; Wendy Rickard, co-founder of Eating Fresh Publications and president of the Rickard Group; Barbara Rusmore, senior program associate with the Institute for Conservation Leadership; and Greg Watson, vice president of Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy for the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. They will be joining existing board members Michael Shuman, John Fisk, and Tim Bowser.

“With so many uncertainties in today’s food system, helping people realize that food is more than just taste and texture has never been more important,” said Tim Bowser, executive director and board member, FoodRoutes Network. “Our new board members will be crucial to shaping the way America views its farming and food production practices.”

FoodRoutes Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and promoting the advancement of community-based, local food systems that are ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially just. The organization promotes this vision through the strategic use and development of replicable communications, planning, evaluation and research tools and models. Food Routes’ programs include “buy local” campaign development, national polling research, message development, foodroutes.org http://www.foodroutes.org/press/mk_page1.jsp, and implementation strategies for state and local food system policies funded by the Farm Bill.