
PASA takes on National Dairy Promotion Board — and wins!

PASA members Joseph and Brenda Cochran took on Ann Veneman and the National Dairy Promotion Board, asking to be exempted from the mandatory checkoff fees collected to support the “Got Milk” campaign on the basis of freedom of speech.  Having lost the original case last year, the Cochrans decided to appeal, and recently were declared the victors in a unanimous decision of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. 
There are a number of significant factors involved in this decision, including the Cochrans’ claim that their farming methods “result in healthier cows, a cleaner environment and superior milk,” in part because they graze their cows and refrain from use of Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), as compared to the industry standard.  It is also significant that the Cochrans neither direct-market their milk, nor maintain organic certification, making them in most respects similar to the bulk of traditional dairy farmers in the country.  Following is a link to the full written decision of the court: