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Experts in occupational health and safety and sustainable agriculture will gather in Troutdale,Oregon this fall to attend “Cultivating a Sustainable Agriculture Workplace.” The conference, to be held Sept. 12-14, will address how occupational health and safety can be integrated into sustainable agriculture practices and how research and outreach can contribute to that effort.
Conference sessions will consider a range of topics, including “Current Workplace Practices and Challenges,” Organic vs. Conventional Farming and Worker Safety and Health,” and “International Standards and Certification.” In addition, conferees will establish a research and outreach agenda for integrating safety and health into the sustainable agriculture workplace.
Participants are eligible for continuing education credits through professional associations forphysicians, industrial hygienists, nurses, sanitarians, and safety professionals Prospectiveattendees, especially students, are encouraged to submit a poster. Topics should address research or intervention projects in agricultural worker safety and health or social aspects of sustainable agriculture. Abstracts must be sent by Aug. 13.
Details and other conference information is available at: