
Alliance with Adolescents Features in Pernambuco Newspaper

The work developed by the Alliance with Adolescents project in Brazil’s northeastern state of Pernambuco was the topic of a full-page article in the state’s most widely distributed newspaper, Jornal do Commercio. Entitled “Adolescents become small farmers”, the article was published on August 22, shortly after the 2nd Meeting of Youth and Local Development in the Northeast, organized by the Kellogg Foundation in Gravatá, in inland Pernambuco.

The story in Jornal do Commercio talks about the youth training developed by Alliance with Adolescents in the micro-region of Bacia do Goitá, comprised of the municipalities of Glória do Goitá, Pombos, Lagoa de Itaenga and Feira Nova. Supported by the Kellogg Foundation, the Alliance project is run in these four municipalities by the NGO Alternative Technology Service (SERTA).

The article states that the actions of SERTA have prompted youngsters to open small businesses and employment to be generated. It highlights the story of 20-year-old Rejane Leão, who transformed her father’s farm into an area for growing organic products that has become a reference in the community.

Read the complete article on Jornal do Commercio website (available only for subscribers of the newspaper or the Brazilian internet service provider UOL).

Also read: Meeting Furthers Integration Among Clusters of Projects in Northeast Brazil.
