
Consumer Campaign Helps Families Eat Healthier

New York, NY – Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) recently launched a new campaign – Sustainable Table – to help educate consumers on how to shop smarter, eat healthier and enjoy the abundance of fresh, nutritious meat and produce grown by local family farmers.

From the benefits of pasture-raised meat to the overuse of antibiotics in factory farms, www.SustainableTable.org presents all the issues in a clear, easy-to-understand format that makes it easier for consumers to make healthier choices about what their families eat.

“You are what you eat. And more families than ever before want to eat sustainably,”said GRACE President Alice Slater. “We launched Sustainable Table to give families more choices about what goes into their bodies and more ways to exercise their purchasing power to support their local communities.”

Sustainable agriculture is a way of raising food that is healthy for consumers, does not harm the environment, is humane for workers and animals, provides a fair wage to traditional family farmers, and supports rural communities.

“The food you eat significantly impacts your health and wellbeing,” said Slater. “It is important to understand what is happening with our food supply so you can make educated decisions for you and your family. More and more families are concerned about nutrition and food safety. Not only are sustainable foods more nutritious than heavily-processed industrial foods, they are also produced without creating the health hazards associated with factory farming. But until now it has been difficult for many consumers to navigate the maze of confusing labels defining organic, antibiotic-free, and free-range products to find truly sustainable foods.” 

At www.SustainableTable.org, consumers can find the popular Eat Well Guide, a free online directory of meat, poultry, dairy and eggs produced using sustainable agriculture. Simply enter a zip code and the Guide will direct you to farms, stores and restaurants close to home that sell sustainable foods. The up-dated Eat Well Guide features a fresh new look with increased functionality and hundreds of new entries. Look for the Guide’s official re-launch in early November.