
Foster Addresses Oslo Seminar

On Sept. 3, 2003, in Oslo, Norway, Rick Foster gave a presentation titled “Creating a Global Network for Higher Education Engagement for Agriculture in the Tropics – A Case for Change”.

The audience included 150 individuals representing higher education institutions and the communities that they serve throughout the tropical regions of Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

This seminar was the fifth global meeting in the series entitled Sustainability, Education and Management of Change in the Tropics funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and administered through EARTH University of Costa Rica and the Salzburg Seminar of Salzburg, Austria.

Objectives of the seminar series were to create the dialogue around the need for engaged higher education institutions in agriculture and the environment in the tropics and to determine the feasibility of a global network of universities similar to EARTH. View Presentation Speech