
Rural Development Grantee Becomes Voice for Ohio Mayors Group

The Institute for Local Government Administration and Rural Development (ILGARD) at Ohio University’s Voinovich Center is becoming a voice at the state and local level for the Mayors Partnership for Progress. Mayors Partnership for Progress is a group of mayors from cities and villages in an 11-county region in southeastern OThe Institute for Local Government Administration and Rural Development (ILGARD) at Ohio University is becoming a voice at the state and local level for the Mayors Partnership for Progress. Mayors Partnership for Progress is a group of mayors from cities and villages in an 11-county region in southeastern Ohio who cooperate on issues, such as economic development and tourism.

ILGARD, with funding from a W.K. Kellogg Foundation grant, defined policy goals related to sewer and water infrastructure for the Mayors Partnership for Progress and is promoting these goals at the state level by increasing communications among state technical assistance agencies, communities and funding agencies.

ILGARD is encouraging changes to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s institutional policy to assist small communities in addressing their wastewater needs. It also is establishing communication between the Ohio Water Development Authority and Local Development Districts, sharing models of small-community sewer and water facility solutions with the American Council for Engineering Companies and is partnering with the Ohio Appalachian Environmental Infrastructure group on the development of a sewer and water resource guide for small rural communities.

For more information about the ILGARD project, visit www.cannetwork.org.