
ECLAC Social Innovation Award Receives 1,600 Entries

The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) received 1,600 entries from 25 countries competing for this year’s debut of the Experiences in Social Innovation Award. In the first phase of the selection process, judges made a shortlist of the top 100 projects that will be requested to submit additional information by April 8. In the following stage, the top 50 projects will be selected to receive visits from field evaluators, which will occur between July and August this year. The Experiences in Social Innovation Award aims to identify and recognize innovative initiatives in social development.

The Experiences in Social Innovation Award aims to identify and recognize innovative initiatives in social development. Its intention is to make the most of the lessons learned from each one and expose them, thus fostering progress in the field of social policy for countries in the LAC region. The selected projects represent 15 LAC countries:Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguai, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela. . The shortlist of project is available on the ECLAC website: www.eclac.org.


Published in Interaction n° 9