
National Farmers Market Week Occurs August 7-13, 2005

National Farmers Market  Week-August 7th-13th, 2005

Next week, August 7th to 13th, 2005 is National Farmers Market Week.  USDA has issued a terrific     proclamation (http://www.ams.usda.gov/farmersmarkets/FM%20Proclamation%202005.pdf). Many of America’s 3,700 farmers markets will be celebrating the peak of the local harvest. Celebrity tomato tastings, Chef’s at the Market, senior citizen van visits, nutrition improvement tables are just a few of the promotional events being planned around the country.

Celebrating USDA’s National Farmers Market Week offers your market an excellent opportunity to educate your community about your market.  Many farmers market masters are  inviting elected representatives, community leaders, and area business people to your market. As the funding for the national farmers market promotion program winds its way through Congress in August and early September, your Congressman and Senator during their visits to your markets can be informed about:

Numerous markets around the country will be hosting events for National Farmers Market Week.  Many of them are trying new or innovative ideas to showcase their vendors and products.  Some markets are:

The Farmers Market Project would like to thank all market managers for their tireless work organizing, promoting and helping to maintain local and sustainable agriculture.  If you have any suggestions for other markets, please email them to us at farmersmarkets@gmail.com and we’ll make sure to post them on our Resources for Farmers Market Website. Also see: www.farmersmarkets.org for helpful advice and information on all manner of farmers markets at www.farmermarkets.org